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Cartoon showing basic concepts of open science - transparency, free availability, accessibility of research.
25 Jun 2021
EIFL and our partner library consortia - the Consortium of Ethiopian Academic and Research Libraries (CEARL), Kenya Libraries and Information (...)
Dr Cécile Coulibaly, portrait.
21 Jun 2021
In May 2021, Dr Cécile Coulibaly, EIFL Country Coordinator in Côte d'Ivoire, represented Côte d'Ivoire at the Intergovernmental special committee (...)
Cover image of the EIFL 2020 Annual Report showing a young woman, wearing a coronavirus protective mask, using a computer in a Ugandan village library.
19 May 2021
We are pleased to announce the publication of our 2020 Annual Report in which we share our achievements in a year dominated by the COVID-19 (...)
Diagramme showing research cycle - Discover, Manage Research Data, Publish, Disseminate and Increase Visibility, Measure Impact.
22 Mar 2021
EIFL has organized a series of 12 webinars to introduce academic (university and research) librarians to our new digital research literacy (...)
24 Jan 2021
OPTIMA - Open Practices, Transparency and Integrity for Modern Academia - a three-year project of the European Union's Erasmus+ Capacity-building (...)
MERAL Portal signing ceremony: from left, Dr Nay Win Oo, Deputy Director General, Department of Higher Education, Dr Zaw Wai Soe, Chair,  Myanmar Rectors' Committee, Rima Kupryte, EIFL, Dr Kazutsuna Yamaji, of the National Institute of Informatics, Japan.
03 Dec 2020
Myanmar’s research community has enthusiastically embraced the new Myanmar Education Research and Learning (MERAL) Portal.  In just four months (...)
02 Oct 2020
UNESCO has submitted a first draft Recommendation on Open Science to its 193 member states following extensive global consultation involving (...)