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What Can Libraries in Nigeria Do Under the 2022 Copyright Act? Guide 2023.
EIFL’s comments to the European Commission’s annual IP Dialogue with Ukraine Position paper & statement 2023.
A2K Coalition’s analysis of key issues on the agenda at the November 2023 meeting of WIPO’s copyright committee (French version) Position paper & statement 2023.
A2K Coalition’s analysis of key issues on the agenda at the November 2023 meeting of WIPO’s copyright committee (Spanish version) Position paper & statement 2023.
A2K Coalition’s analysis of key issues on the agenda at the November 2023 meeting of WIPO’s copyright committee (English version) Position paper & statement 2023.
EIFL information note: Why libraries in Armenia can use the Marrakesh Treaty without changes to national copyright law (English version) Guide 2023.
EIFL information note: Why libraries in Armenia can use the Marrakesh Treaty without changes to national copyright law (Armenian version) Guide 2023.
Supporting Ukrainian Refugees with Print Disabilities: Information for EU libraries providing accessible reading materials (English version) Guide 2023.
Supporting Ukrainian Refugees with Print Disabilities: Information for EU libraries providing accessible reading materials (Ukrainian version) Guide 2023.
Comments by the Access to Knowledge (A2K) Coalition, including EIFL, on the revised draft treaty for the protection of broadcasting organizations Position paper & statement 2023.
Comments on the WIPO Toolkit on Preservation (French version) Position paper & statement 2023.
Comments on the WIPO Toolkit on Preservation (English version) Position paper & statement 2023.
Information note on the conflict between the Public Lending Right and national treatment under international copyright law Position paper & statement 2023.
Statements by EIFL at WIPO meetings (2023) Position paper & statement 2023.
EIFL submission to South Africa’s National Council of Provinces in support of the Copyright Amendment Bill 2017 Position paper & statement 2023.