Teresa Hackett (Manager, EIFL Copyright and Libraries Programme) will participate in a two-day national conference jointly organized by the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) in Myanmar and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) on the Establishment of a Modern and Development-Oriented Intellectual Property System. In addition, Teresa will meet with the Myanmar Library Association to discuss how copyright affects the work of a modern library, and the importance of participation by the library community in national discussions on copyright law.
EIFL's engagement in copyright work in Myanmar is part of the EIFL eLibrary Myanmar project that aims to expand access to knowledge. Myanmar is one of 33 nations (mostly developing countries) identified in the WIPO study on copyright limitations and exceptions as having no copyright exception for libraries and archives in their statutes. As Myanmar is currently reviewing its laws on intellectual property, including copyright, it is a timely opportunity to improve current laws in support of modern education and research, and the aspirations of the young generation in Myanmar.
Photo credit: Alexa CC BY-NC-ND 2.0