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EIFL-PLIP's Small Bites: Describing results and choosing indicators for your library project - training video for public librarians Video 2024.
EIFL-PLIP’s small bites: Building a work plan for your library project - training video for public librarians Video 2024.
Unleash your creativity with Canva: Presentation for public librarians offering training on basic graphic design Presentation 2024.
Gearing up public librarians for the mission of digital inclusion for all: EIFL Case Studies from Uganda and Ghana Presentation 2024.
Getting the best from WhatsApp: Presentation for use by public librarians offering mobile literacy training for young people Presentation 2024.
EIFL-PLIP's Small Bites: Telling an evidence-based story about your library service - training video for public librarians Video 2024.
EIFL-PLIP’s Small Bites: Crafting clear goals and objectives for a project - training video for public librarians Video 2024.
Survival in a digital jungle: Presentation for use by public librarians offering online safety training for children and teenagers Presentation 2024.
EIFL-PLIP's Small Bites: Promoting your library's training programmes on social media - training video for public librarians Video 2024.
EIFL Strategic Plan: 2024 - 2026 Position paper & statement 2024.
20 Years of Evolution in Public Access - report on the place of public access to ICT in libraries in wider connectivity strategies Report 2023.
Digital skills @ your local library project: Results, impact and lessons learnt Case Study 2023.
EIFL webinar: Libraries and the United Nations Global Digital Compact Webinar 2023.
Digital skills @ your local library project: Results and Impact Report 2023.
Overview of evidence about the impacts of public access to computers and the internet in libraries Presentation 2023.