As part of the EIFL eLibrary Myanmar project, EIFL – in association with the University of Mandalay, the University of Yangon and Yadanabon University – will run a series of seminars and meetings on “Open access: How to maximise the impact, efficiency and availability of your research” from February 18-24, 2015.
Pro-Rectors, Heads of Departments, Senior Faculty Members, Librarians and PhD Students will discuss and develop strategies to address the following challenges:
- How can we maximise the visibility, usage and impact of our University’s research publications?
- How can we maximize the impact of research publications from our University?
- How can we establish new contacts and partnerships for our University?
- How can we publicise our University's research strengths?
- How can we create a complete record of our University’s research publications in an easily accessible form?
- How can we manage our University’s impact?
- How can we disseminate our research results in the most efficient way?
- How can we get access to the most recent research publications?
Iryna Kuchma (EIFL Open Access Programme Manager) and Susanna Lob (Manager of the EIFL eLibrary Myanmar Project) will co-organize, facilitate and present at the following events:
- Half day seminar at Yadanabon University (18 February).
- Full day seminar at the University of Mandalay (19 February).
- Full day seminar at the University of Yangon (23 February). This seminar will include participants from the University of Yangon, the Yangon University of Economics, Dagon University, West Yangon University and East Yangon University, plus representatives from other key organisations such as the Myanmar Library Association.
During the visit, Iryna Kuchma will also:
- Run hands-on sessions on open access resources for Politics/International Relations, Law and History at the University of Mandalay (20 February) and the University of Yangon (24 February).
- Meet with senior academic staff at partner institutions plus key organisations such as the Myanmar Research Society.
Funded by the Open Society Foundations Higher Education Programme, the EIFL eLibrary Myanmar project is supporting educational change at an expanding range of universities by enabling access to knowledge and building skills and capacities. The project has already had significant impact, and five universities are now participating.