EIFL, Creative Commons and SPARC have launched the Open Climate Campaign, a major four-year campaign to open research in climate science and biodiversity.
Climate change, and the resulting harm to our global biodiversity, are among the world's most pressing challenges. The climate crisis is complex and requires global, national, and local actions informed by multidisciplinary research. However, knowledge and data about the climate crisis and the possible solutions, mitigations and actions to tackle it are too often not publicly accessible.
The goal of the Open Climate Campaign is to promote open access to research in order to accelerate progress towards solving the climate crisis and preserving global biodiversity.
The Open Climate Campaign will draw on strategies and experience from the COVID-19 pandemic, which catalyzed an unprecedented sharing of scientific knowledge, resulting in rapid sequencing and sharing of the virus’ genome, the quick development of therapeutics, and the fastest development of effective vaccines in human history.
This Open Climate Campaign will:
- Bring attention to the issue of access to knowledge on climate change and biodiversity.
- Work directly with national governments, funders and environmental organizations to create open access policies and make it easier to share their climate change content.
- Identify, engage and contribute to international frameworks to include open access policy recommendations.
- Identify important existing climate and biodiversity research publications not already open access and help them move to open access where possible. We will also explore tactics to facilitate changes in publisher actions to ensure climate and biodiversity research is open access.
- Engage with researchers, universities and policy makers in traditionally excluded geographical regions to ensure inclusive outcomes throughout.
The Campaign is funded by Arcadia Fund, a charitable fund of Lisbet Rausing and Peter Baldwin, and builds on planning funds from the Open Society Foundations.
- For further information, visit the Open Climate Campaign website.
- See the Open Climate Campaign media release.