Isabel Bernal, DIGITAL.CSIC manager, speaks about how to track the use and re-use of open access (OA) research available in repositories. DIGITAL.CSIC is the institutional repository of the Spanish National Research Council, and in the webinar, Bernal shares good practice examples from DIGITAL.CSIC.
Topics covered include indicators for tracking use of the repository and its contents; promoting uses of researcher profiles; Altmetric in DIGITAL.CSIC; tracking interest in DIGITAL.CSIC outputs; how to interpret Altmetric data, and the DIGITAL.CSIC Open in order to…portal, which has stories (in Spanish) highlighting concrete benefits of open access and use of open access research for researchers, independent scholars, students, doctors, journalists, teachers, and other stakeholders.
Download the PowerPoint presentation from the webinar.
See also this EIFL webinar (November 2017) on DSpace-CRIS (Current Research Information Systems), the open source extension of DSpace that enables institutions to manage research information such as researchers’ profiles, department pages, grants and awards, research outputs, metrics, reports and statistics. Digital.CSIC runs on DSpace-CRIS.