In this webinar (90 minutes) Tom Olijhoek (DOAJ - Directory of Open Access Journals)), Susan Veldsman (ASSAf - Academy of Science of South Africa) explain how they are implementing strong quality screening policies and workflows.
This is the sixth in a series of seven webinars for journal editors and publishers in Africa organized by African Journals Online (AJOL), ASSAf, DOAJ, EIFL, LIBSENSE and University of Cape Town (UCT).
Aborder les problèmes de publication prédatrice
Tom Olijhoek (DOAJ) et Susan Veldsman (ASSAf) expliqueront comment ils mettent en œuvre des politiques et des flux de travail solides en matière de contrôle de la qualité.
See the slides of the presentations
- Susan Veldsman: Combatting Predatory Journals and Conferences / Lutter contre les revues et les conférences prédatrices
- Tom Olyhoek and Susan Veldsman: Addressing Predatory Publishing Issues / S'attaquer aus problèmes de l'édition prédatrice