Frontline SMS is a FOSS tool which enables you to turn a laptop and mobile phone into a communications hub. With versions for Windows, Mac and Linux, you can use any computer to create messages offline that can then be sent via SMS to groups of people (such as library users).
The system can be used for automated processes (such as reminding library users when they have an overdue item) or for specific tasks (such as asking for feedback on a proposed new layout).
All you need to get started is a modem, which can be purchased for less than US$20. Because it operates over the mobile network, internet access is not needed for the sender or the receiver.
In this webinar on Frontline SMS an overview is given by Laura Walker Hudson of Frontline SMS team in Nairobi, and Evgeniy Shestopal of Lugansk Gorky Library in Ukraine.
- Slides in PDF format for Laura Walker's presentation
- Slides in PDF format for Evgeniy Shestopal's presentation