
Browse our collection of resources on licensing, copyright for libraries, open access, library consortium development, free and open source software (FOSS) for libraries, and public library innovation

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TITLEsort descending TYPE DATE
EIFL webinar: Copyright reform in Poland - what do the changes mean for libraries? Webinar 2016.
EIFL poster showing how public libraries contribute to UN Sustainable Development Goal 4: Quality Education Poster 2016.
EIFL poster: Core library exceptions checklist Poster, Position paper & statement, Model laws & licences 2016.
‘Rate my copyright law’. Does your copyright law support library activities and services? Position paper & statement, Model laws & licences 2016.
EIFL Draft Law on Copyright Including Model Exceptions and Limitations for Libraries and their Users (2016) Model laws & licences 2016.
Aims, work, outcomes and impact of the EIFL Public Library Innovation Programme (EIFL-PLIP) Presentation 2016.
Webinar on designing successful Open Access and Open Data policies Webinar 2016.
Statements by EIFL at WIPO meetings (2016) Position paper & statement 2016.
Paper about the importance of community needs assessment in designing a public library service Article 2016.
Examples of innovative public library services advancing community development in Europe Brochure 2016.
How mobile libraries in Ghana are helping children pass their computer exams Video 2016.
How to negotiate with your national Reproduction Rights Organization - an EIFL Guide (French) Guide 2016.
Croatian public library's 3D printing project for children and youth Case Study 2016.
Statements by EIFL at WIPO's Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR) (2015) Position paper & statement 2015.
Why libraries need a single global copyright framework (English) Article 2015.