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Getting Started. Implementing the Marrakesh Treaty for persons with print disabilities. A practical guide for librarians (Russian) Guide 2018.
Statements by EIFL at WIPO meetings (2018) Position paper & statement 2018.
Open letter from NGOs on the proposed WIPO broadcast treaty (English) Position paper & statement 2018.
Open letter from NGOs on the proposed WIPO broadcast treaty (French) Position paper & statement 2018.
Open letter from NGOs on the proposed WIPO broadcast treaty (Spanish) Position paper & statement 2018.
The eLibrary Myanmar Project: Benefits and Impact on Myanmar’s Higher Education Libraries Article 2018.
Open letter to EU ambassadors for a balanced copyright reform Position paper & statement 2018.
No link tax – delete Article 11: EIFL joins open letter to MEP Voss Position paper & statement 2018.
Proposal for a Framework Treaty on Copyright Exceptions for Libraries, Archives and Museums (TLAM) by EIFL, IFLA, ICA AND ICOM Model laws & licences 2018.
Proposal for a Framework Treaty on Copyright Exceptions for Libraries, Archives and Museums (TLAM) by EIFL, IFLA, ICA AND ICOM Model laws & licences 2018.
Proposal for a Framework Treaty on Copyright Exceptions for Libraries, Archives and Museums (TLAM) by EIFL, IFLA, ICA AND ICOM Model laws & licences 2018.
EIFL analysis of amendments to Kyrgyzstan’s copyright law Guide 2018.
EIFL’s comments on the draft WIPO Good Practice Toolkit for Collective Management Organizations (CMOs) Position paper & statement 2018.
What can libraries do under the Malawi Copyright Act (2016)? An EIFL assessment Position paper & statement 2017.
The Marrakesh Treaty: an EIFL Guide for Libraries (Spanish) Guide 2017.