Infographic presenting an overview of copyright exceptions and limitations for libraries and archives in 53 countries in Africa.
Information and statistics for Africa are extracted from a wider study conducted by Professor Kenneth Crews (2017) for the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). The study examines key library activities carried out for non-commercial, public interest purposes in 191 WIPO member countries. It provides a useful overview of the existence – or not – of the type of exceptions upon which libraries rely.
The infographic was disseminated at the WIPO Regional Seminar for the African Group on Libraries, Archives, Museums and Educational and Research Institutions in the Field of Copyright, that took place in Nairobi, Kenya, on 12-13 June 2019. Heads of copyright offices from more than 40 African countries attended the seminar.
The seminar is one of three regional seminars organized by WIPO, in the Asia Pacific, African, and Latin America, and the Caribbean regions. Results of the three seminars will be discussed at an international WIPO conference on exceptions and limitations to be held in Geneva in October 2019.
The infographic also supported a presentation by Prof Crews at the African Regional Seminar. See the PowerPoint slides of Prof Crews’s presentation here.
Read more about the African Regional Seminar and its outcomes.