12 Mar 2015
EIFL recently held a webinar showcasing the Directory of Open Access Books and the Directory of Open Access Journals, the two leading directories (...)
13 Feb 2015
EIFL is pleased to announce the “Open access policy at the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research-Ghana (CSIR-Ghana)” project, a 10-month (...)
12 Feb 2015
The FOSTER (Facilitate Open Science Training for European Research) project has announced it will be supporting an additional 24 training (...)
11 Feb 2015
A year after the start of the European Commission's (EC) Horizon 2020 (H2020) Research Framework Programme, the OpenAIRE project (Open Access (...)
18 Dec 2014
The EIFL Open Access (OA) programme advocates nationally and internationally for the adoption of OA policies and mandates, to ensure that research (...)
18 Dec 2014
37 participants from 17 countries (Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Ethiopia, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Namibia, Palestine (...)
17 Dec 2014
38 participants from 17 countries (Belarus, Botswana, Croatia, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Namibia, Palestine, Poland, Portugal, Serbia, (...)